COVID-19 Information
COVID-19 Update
To our friends, patients, clients, and community:
At ProMotion Rehab and Sports Medicine, our goal and vision has always been to be a regional leader and preferred provider of outpatient rehabilitation services with a never-ending commitment to family, our team, community and education. With case numbers of COVID-19 continuing to rise, we want to ensure everyone of our unwavering adherence to every guideline and precaution recommended by our local and federal health agencies. To ensure the health and safety of our staff, patients and visitors, we are continuing to do the following:
- Adhering to CDC/DHEC guidelines for both COVID-19 and universal precautions to prevent the spread and transmission of all communicable diseases
- Continued adherence of staff and patients or visitors wearing masks at all times when indoors, regardless of city or county ordinance
- Continued screening of patients and clients over the phone to ensure non-attendance to appointments when they are sick or feeling unwell
- Continued temperature checks and initial hand-washing for patients upon entry
- Regular hand hygiene and utilization of gloves, when indicated, for all staff
- Limited waiting room times and limited numbers of individuals in shared areas
- Practicing physical distancing at all possible times
- Regular sanitizing of all work stations, bathrooms, gym equipment, exam tables, door handles, knobs, and light switches throughout the day.
With vaccine rollouts underway, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. However, in the meantime, we want our team, patients and community to continue to feel comfortable when sharing space with us. We feel that the measures above are appropriate and proactive, and that the care we provide is more important than ever. We help people bridge the gap between pain and an active lifestyle, ultimately supporting a stronger immune system, increased resiliency and a better quality of life. We believe in open communication with our team, patients and the broader community that we serve, and we ask you all for your continued cooperation in achieving the measures outlined above. From the bottom of our hearts, we appreciate your support in 2020 and moving forward into what we hope are brighter days ahead.
Nancy K. Imbeau, PT, DPT, OCS, MTC

Here at ProMotion Rehab and Sports Medicine, we offer methods of treatment for patients recovering from Post Covid19 Recovery. As more research is done, it’s being discovered that there are several lasting effects from the virus, many of which are causing challenges that can continue for unprecedented amounts of time.