The Benefits of Physical Therapy

August 19th, 2022

Physiotherapy is a branch of medicine concerned with helping people regain or maximize their physical skills by employing specially designed equipment and exercises.

Physical therapy helps people of all ages whose injuries, ailments, or medical conditions prevent them from moving and functioning normally.

From the time of initial diagnosis to restoration and prevention, a physical therapist is an integral part of the care team. Physical therapy can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments.

That said, here are five reasons why physical therapy is beneficial.

1. Minimize or eradicate pain

Manual therapy procedures or treatments, like ultrasound, may be utilized to alleviate pain and improve muscle and joint function. These treatments also inhibit the return of pain.

When chronic pain strikes or mobility and function are lost due to an accident, physiotherapy is often recommended as a means of pain treatment.

The physiotherapist works one-on-one with the patient to provide passive and active therapies and instruct them in the most effective methods of exercising in the comfort of their homes.

2. Boost balance to avoid falls

There will be a fall risk assessment performed before any PT is started. If you're at high risk for falls, your therapist will prescribe exercises that gradually and realistically put your balance and stability to the test.

Your therapist may also provide exercises and devices to help you regain balance and coordination. Physical therapists can perform exercises that help restore normal vestibular function and reduce or eliminate dizziness.

3. Prevent surgery

If physiotherapy successfully alleviates pain or facilitates healing, surgical intervention may not be necessary. Although surgery is required, preoperative physical therapy may improve the recovery process.

Surgery recovery times can be decreased if you are not in good physical shape beforehand. By postponing surgical procedures, savings on medical care are realized.

4. Recovery after a stroke

Some impairment in function and movement after a stroke is inevitable. Strengthening weakened muscles and improving overall balance are two primary goals of physical therapy.

Stroke patients can benefit from the assistance of physiotherapists in several ways, including faster bed mobility, greater freedom about the home, and reduced reliance on others for routine activities like dressing, washing, and toileting.

5. Control heart and pulmonary disease

Exercising is recommended for people with severe lung problems, especially pulmonary fibrosis. Even though exercise won't enhance your lung health, it may help with breathing troubles. You'll feel healthier overall, and your heart and muscles can absorb more oxygen.

Physical therapy can assist people with pulmonary difficulties to live a better life by allowing them to expel fluid from their airways through strengthening and conditioning activities and by helping them breathe more efficiently.

If you or a loved one have questions about physical therapy, feel free to ask your doctor or alocal physiotherapist.
