Media Center

Dec 20
Sprains, Strains and Ankle Pains! What You Need to Know and When to See a Therapist.
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Dec 10
Get Back in the Game Quickly with ProMotion Rehab
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Nov 20
Focus on the Form: How to do a Proper Deadlift
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Nov 10
Physical Therapy for Concussions. What You Need to Know.
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Oct 19
The Importance of Proper Recovery
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Oct 10
Protect Your Joints! 3 Things to Keep in Mind When Exercising
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Sep 20
5 Reasons Why You Need to Start Stretching Today
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Sep 10
Focus on the Form: How to do a Correct Squat
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Aug 20
Flat Feet: How Physical Therapy Can Help The Pain
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Aug 10
Benefits of Anti-Gravity Treadmill for Distance Runners and Injury Recovery
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Jul 20
6 Injury Prevention Tips for
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Jul 10
What is Considered a High-Quality Protein?
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