Media Center

Oct 20
Looking to Improve Your Physical Health? PT Has You Covered!
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Oct 10
Relieve Your Pain Without Drugs! Find Natural Pain Relief Today
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Sep 20
Ready to Overcome Your Hip and Knee Pains? Give PT a Try
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Sep 10
Herniated Discs Can Be a Real Pain in the Back - Are You Living with One?
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Aug 20
Do you stretch before and after your workout? If not, you should start.
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Aug 10
Reduce Opioid Consumption and Feel Better with Physical Therapy
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Jul 20
Addressing chronic back pain: 5 Tips to help you feel better faster
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Jul 10
Hip and Knee Pain Relief with Physical Therapy
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Jun 22
The Role of Physical Therapy in Relieving Chronic Pain
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Jun 08
Aches and Pains in the Morning? Find Out What Might Be Causing Them.
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May 20
If You Don't Think Nutrition Has an Effect on Your Aches and Pains, Think Again.
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May 10
NO MORE OPIOIDS! Seek help from a physical therapist.
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